Lunchtime Studies:
Bible Studies are held on an occasional basis with the study of a particular subject on Tuesday Lunchtimes. You are invited to share lunch between 12.00 noon and 1.00 pm during which time a particular topic or passage of scripture is studied. Just bring a packed lunch – drinks are provided.
Dates when the Lunchtime Group meets are in our Church Diary.
Contact Barbara Jackson for more details.
House Groups:
We are also hoping to re-introduce house groups shortly in the evenings for Bible Study.
Daily Bible Readings:
Members are encouraged to read the Bible daily and there are various Bible Notes available for this from the Methodist Book Centre. (The Methodist Book Centre: 'for all your supplies of Christian books, music, gifts and other resources'.)
There is also a Daily Bible Study on the Methodist Church web site for your use.
Read the Bible now:
Click here for immediate access to the Scriptures. (Look for the green button 'Read the Bible now'.)
Halmer End Methodist Church
High Street
Halmer End