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the Christian heart of the village
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Sunday Worship

Halmer End Methodist Church places great importance on the Sunday Morning Act of Worship at 10.30 am. We seek to ensure that our worship is inspirational, full of wonder, love and praise; is relevant and transforming.

Within Methodism we have the privilege of sharing in Sunday worship which may be led by our local minister, other ministers in our group of churches, or by Methodist Lay Preachers – ordinary people who have felt the call of God to train as Methodist Preachers and seek to serve him in that capacity while also having a full-time occupation in other work. This variety of preaching gives much to the wide experience of worship which we share each week.

Members of the congregation will often take part in the worship with drama or Bible readings or by leading prayers or reflections. We have a wide use of traditional hymns and more modern songs of worship. We use the Methodist Hymns and Psalms Hymn Book as well as Mission Praise, Junior Praise and Songs of Fellowship. We welcome all ages to our worship.

The sacrament of Holy Communion is included in our morning service usually once per month.

Contacts for Worship:
Senior Steward and Media: David Rowley
Organist : Stuart Jackson

Special Services

We have 'special services' at certain times of the year as we celebrate the Christian Festivals and also special times in the life of our local church such as Harvest Time in September and the anniversary of the founding of our Church in October. Many of these special services take place in the afternoon at 3.00 pm and they are announced on our Notice Board at the front of the Church and will be included in our web diary.

Remembrance Day Service

Each November we have a United Service with St. John's Anglican Church in Alsagers Bank for Remembrance Day. The service alternates between the two churches and always concludes with a ceremony at the Cenotaph in Alsagers Bank.

Memorial Service

Each year in the late autumn a service is held in the Chapel for those who have been bereaved, recently or long ago. The service includes music, readings and the lighting of candles.

Services in Residential Homes

Our Minister, the Rev. Joy Ventom, visits the 'The Poplars' Residential Home in Alsagers Bank once a month to lead an Act of Worship with the residents there at 3.00 pm on a Sunday Afternoon. Usually the services are on the last Sunday in the month and the visit dates will be on our web site calendar so that the relatives of residents can share in those services.

Open Air Services

We occasionally hold services outside in the open air and these are separately advertised and can be found on this web site. We hold those services in the garden opposite to Halmer End Methodist Church usually on a Sunday afternoon at 3.00 pm.

Get In Touch

Halmer End Methodist Church
High Street
Halmer End

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© 2015 – 2025 – Halmer End Methodist Church