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The Halmer End Lenten Cross

6th April 2024: Webteam
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What's a Lenten Cross you ask?

Let me tell you about the Halmer End Lenten Cross.

The History

About 30 years ago Joyce Rowley read an article about a Lenten Cross Ceremony being used at the Brighton Dome Methodist Church in Sussex and thought it would be a good idea to use the ceremony at our church here in Halmer End. So Joyce wrote to the minister at Brighton, the Rev. Peter Shilling, to ask if it would be possible to have a copy of the ceremony for use at Halmer End. Peter Shilling kindly sent Joyce a copy of the ceremony and it has been used at Halmer End nearly every year since.

The Lenten Ceremony

Each week of Lent the ceremony is used in our worship. Symbols associated with the suffering of Jesus leading up to his crucifixion are displayed in the Church, on a cross or near to the cross, together with Bible Readings and the reading and singing of hymns.

The first week the symbols are the Bread and Wine – reminding us of the Last Supper of Jesus with his disciples. The second week the symbols are the Towel and Bowl – reminding us that Jesus washed his disciples feet at the Last Supper. The third week the symbol is the Money Bag – reminding us of the 30 pieces of silver given to Judas Iscariot to betray Jesus to the Jewish authorities. The fourth week the symbols are the Crown of Thorns and the Purple Robe – reminding us of the way in which Jesus was humiliated by the Roman Soldiers before his crucifixion. The fifth week the symbol is the Whip- reminding us of the way Jesus was beaten. The sixth week the symbol is the Palm Branch – reminding us of the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem on a donkey when the crowds placed their palm branches on the road and shouted Hosanna to the Son of David. On Good Friday the symbols were three nails – reminding us of the crucifixion of Jesus on a cross on the hill of Calvary just outside the city of Jerusalem.

Easter Day

On Easter Sunday Morning we are reminded of the resurrection of Jesus from the dead and we remove all the symbols associated with the suffering of Jesus, one by one, and then we decorate the cross with flowers to remind us of the transformation from the tragedy of Jesus' death to the glorious triumph of his resurrection.

Our pictures show the symbols and the decorated cross which stood outside the Chapel for a few days last week. Jesus died for you and me and he arose from death for us too. Come along to our church services at 10.30 each Sunday to experience the risen Jesus and discover how he wants to share your life with you.

Get In Touch

Halmer End Methodist Church
High Street
Halmer End

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