Gifts from the Halmer End Methodist Church Harvest Thanksgiving are being sent to the Charity All We Can to help with their projects bringing clean water to villages in Uganda and new toilets for villages in Nepal. From the sale of our Harvest produce £57.10 will help with the clean water projects and from the Harvest Lunch £156.12 will help with new toilets.
In Nepal almost two-thirds of the population live without toilets, and bad sanitation is one of the world's biggest killers. This gift will improve the health of a family and keep vulnerable people, particularly girls and women, safe from having to go to the toilet in the open at night.
Nepal was hit with devastating earthquakes in April and May 2015. Over 8,000 people are known to have died in the earthquakes, and thousands of homes and public buildings were badly damaged or destroyed. All We Can is working with local partners to help people recover and rebuild lives and communities.
Our pictures show school children excited about their new water supplies in Uganda and what new toilets mean to the people of Nepal where £31 provides a new toilet for a family. More details of both these projects can be found on the All We Can web site.
We thank everyone who supported our Harvest Thanksgiving this year which has enabled us to make these gifts to All We Can helping people in Uganda and Nepal.
Halmer End Methodist Church
High Street
Halmer End