Dear All
Wishing you all a Happy Christmas and New Year!!
It's great to keep in touch with Facebook, website and personal phone calls with you all.
Wow, what a mixture of emotions 2016 has been personally for me, but without all your help, support and encouragement I couldn't have managed.
I am getting used to the Yorkshire weather and the place as a whole, as well as working for a circuit with 18 churches, to which in time I will get around!! (I'm based in the Airedale Methodist circuit.) In fact I'm enjoying my role as their Children, Youth and Family worker – it's hectic at times, but you know me, I wouldn't have it any other way!!
I have to keep reminding myself I have only officially been here 3 months and wow, what a 3 months its been. I feel as though it's been longer – in a nutshell they are keeping me busy!
My activities included several Messy Churches, leading (with help) Family services, a Light Party, youth clubs (numbers are growing in both), MOMS (baby and toddler group well up to the age of school), Junior churches, school assemblies in which I've been helping the ministers, (I'm hoping to adventure on my own in the New Year), coffee mornings, staff meetings and church and circuit meetings, District Youth and Children events (including a trip to 3gen in Swindon with a coach load of people including the Methodist President hitching a lift back with us (Rodger is our chair of district)), staff retreats, and training sessions. Just this last week there were children's parties, carol services (church and schools), Christingle services, Messy Churches, Family Film afternoon, crib services and a staff Christmas lunch.
The staff led a circuit Carols by Candlelight, where I read and "signed" the carols with a moving message from the Methodist President Rev. Dr. Rodger Walton.
I have also been involved with xsite (Scripture Union) and Cliks (Christian links in Keighley Schools), helping out at several of their events, which has been great.
Are we sure I've only been here 3 months????
I'm excited about what is to come in 2017, including being the Chaplin for the Oakworth Community Pantomime which is held at Oakworth Methodist Church during February half term (18-25th, excluding Sunday 19th and Thursday 23rd – they are doing "Sinbad the Sailor"), and other events happening around the Circuit and District.
I'm also being let loose to do the Worship Leaders Course!!!
Within all this, I have also had some great days and nights out with new friends here.
Hope to see you soon
Thanks again
Happy Christmas and New Year.
God bless
Jo Dolman xx
Halmer End Methodist Church
High Street
Halmer End