We watched a video of LEGO characters telling the EASTER STORY and then the children were given a challenge of making a LEGO model from the story.
The two models shown here illustrate the great creativity of the children. The first model shows Jesus at the Last Supper with his disciples. The second model shows the tomb in which Jesus' body was placed after his death on the cross of Calvary and our third picture shows the open tomb with the stone rolled away which was the scene on Easter Morning when some of the disciples arrived to embalm his body and found that Jesus had risen from the dead. Just two of the really great models that the children made.
If you would like to give LEGO Explorers a try our next session will be on Monday 13th May. Just read the flyer here with more details (note next date is in May). If you want any more information please contact Helen or David – numbers on the flyer.
Halmer End Methodist Church
High Street
Halmer End