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Minnie Pit Centennial Public Meeting

9th March 2017: Webteam
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minnie pit public meeting on 11th march 2017

The Minnie Pit Centennial Public Meeting
at The 'Stute Wesley Place, High Street,
Halmer End, ST7 8AQ on
Saturday 11th March at 1pm

The meeting will build on previous ideas, and will be to plan a series of events throughout 2017/18 remembering the victims of the Minnie Pit Colliery Explosion, and the rescuers. The events will help us understand and pay tribute to the way the villages came together to support each other, and should reconnect us with our coal mining heritage, the way people lived, the role our schools, chapels, social clubs played, who we were as villages then and who we are as communities now. We would like to get funding from the Heritage Lottery fund to help us put on a range of events, as well as look for funds from other sources. The afternoon will help us to write a powerful funding bid

Everyone is welcome whether you represent a group or you're an interested individual. Please have a think about what you would like to see happen during the centennial anniversary year and bring some of your own thoughts and ideas.

There will be drinks and snacks available throughout the afternoon

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High Street
Halmer End

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